a Senro optical NIR separator

is characterised by:

  • Wide range of applications
  • Variable widths (1000mm to 2800mm)
  • Modular design
  • Fully adjustable
  • Combination with metal separation optional

Optical NIR separator

Senro B.V. supplies optical NIR separators designed in-house and with their own control system.

The purpose of the optical NIR separator is to selectively separate different materials from the material flow.

Using the Near Infra Red (NIR) principle, Senro NIR separators can detect and sort a wide range of materials. In addition to infra-red technology, a colour camera can be used, allowing you to sort by colour as well. NIR separators by Senro B.V. can separate paper, cardboard and various types of plastic and wood from different material flows in terms of composition, particle size and mixes of waste. This guarantees a high degree of purity of the sorted fraction.

Each NIR separator is custom-built by Senro B.V., thus ensuring optimal performance and maximum effectiveness for the desired application.

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